HaHarash is a premium architectural cgi 3D rendering of a great masterplan scheme by Yashar Architects made for Vitania (developers).

A fantastic case for inner city mixed use commercial, office, hotel and residential development, offering bursting towers rapped in green landscape living.

A classic metropolitan ecosystem, allowing dynamic interaction from design to utility and commerce, with positive effects on both landscape and residents.

Visual brief emphasized a predominance sense of realism, dressed in a gentle hyper optimisation of scene.

Photomontage Drone CGI's

3D Rendering | Architectural Visualisation CGI | Line Creative
HaHarash 18 Tel Aviv | Architectural Visualisation CGI | Line Creative
HaHarash 18 Tel Aviv | Architectural Visualisation CGI | Line Creative
HaHarash 18 Tel Aviv | Architectural Visualisation CGI | Line Creative

All CG Renders

HaHarash 18 Tel Aviv | Architectural Visualisation CGI | Line Creative
HaHarash 18 Tel Aviv | Architectural Visualisation | Line Creative
HaHarash 18 Tel Aviv | Architectural Visualisation CGI | Line Creative
HaHarash 18 Tel Aviv | Architectural Visualisation | Line Creative
HaHarash 18 Tel Aviv | Architectural Visualisation | Line Creative
HaHarash 18 Tel Aviv | Architectural Visualisation CGI | Line Creative
HaHarash 18 Tel Aviv | Architectural Visualisation CGI | Line Creative

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